Pillar 2: High quality and inclusive education, skills and employment
We will promote excellence across the education system and work with stakeholders to maintain quality and improve outcomes at all stages of lifelong learning.
We want to ensure that all residents are highly skilled, employable and supported to reach their potential.

Accountability for delivery
- Cabinet Member for Employment, Educational Attainment and Skills
- Corporate Director of Childrens and Young People’s Services
- Corporate Director of City Development
- Deputy Director of Children’s Services & Director of Education
- The Leader of the Council, the Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Transformation, and the Chief Executive have accountability and oversight across all six pillars
What we want to achieve
Priority outcomes
- High quality, inclusive and sufficient education provision
- More residents in work and improved employability and life chances for young people
- A highly skilled and well-trained workforce that meets the needs of local employers and attracts inward investors
How we will deliver the outcomes for high quality and inclusive education, skills and employment
High quality, inclusive and sufficient education provision
- Ensure sufficient school places and production of a 5-year strategy and capital plan
- Develop the inclusion agenda for an education system to meet the needs of children
- Implement an early years strategy that focuses on improving communication and language
- Deliver the actions of the Priority Education Investment Areas 3-year plan
- Work with partner agencies to reduce the rates of persistent absenteeism
- Work with schools to improve outcomes for children and young people
- Develop and implement a Cultural Education Plan that incorporates the uniqueness of the city’s past, present and future
- Work with the city region in identifying and addressing common challenges facing schools
More residents in work and improved employability and life chances for young people
- Ensure early, preventative intervention and NEET reduction work for young people that is joined up, embedded, systematic and prioritised across council teams and services
- Design and deliver services and support that increase the employability of young people and adults - including those from underrepresented groups
- Increase employer and business social value contributions that are invested back into the city to benefit local people
- Work with employers to increase opportunities and access for young people and adults
A highly skilled and well-trained workforce that meets the needs of local employers and attracts inward investors
- Secure internal and external funding opportunities to support delivery of our learning, skills and employability programmes to meet the needs of employers
- Promote and encourage the delivery of more supported internships and apprenticeships to meet local needs
- Finalise an employment and skills plan, including a 3-year action plan