Pillar 5: A well-connected, sustainable and accessible city

We will facilitate the creation of a sustainable and inclusive transport network in Liverpool by working closely with the Combined Authority, neighbouring councils and partners. We will ensure that the network is reliable and efficient, can be accessed safely by all and we will prioritise active travel. We will develop and deliver clear plans to respond to the climate crisis and improve environmental sustainability.

Two school girls stepping off Arriva bus

Accountability for delivery

  • Cabinet Member for Transport and Connectivity
  • Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing
  • Director Transportation and Highways
  • The Leader of the Council, the Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Transformation, and the Chief Executive have accountability and oversight across all six pillars

What we want to achieve

  1. Priority outcomes

    1. Modern, sustainable and connected public travel infrastructure
    2. A responsive and efficient service delivering highways maintenance and public realm infrastructure
    3. Safer, more accessible and inclusive streets
    4. Connectivity is improved across the city – making places cleaner and better to live in
    5. Significant progress is made on climate action and environmental sustainability – both within the council’s own activity and across the city
  1. How we will deliver the outcomes for a well-connected, sustainable and accessible city

    1. Modern, sustainable and connected public travel infrastructure

      1. Work with the Liverpool City Regional Combined Authority and influence government to secure major investment in the city’s transport infrastructure, with a particular focus on boosting active, green and accessible travel
      2. Support regional efforts to bring buses back under local control, increase the quality and quantity of segregated cycle lanes and parking, and deliver the new Liverpool Baltic Station
    2. A responsive and efficient service delivering highways maintenance and public realm infrastructure

      1. Review and improve highways and parking assets across the city
      2. Improve the condition of local roads, footways and cycleways, including resilience to climate change
      3. Further review and improve highway asset inspections and repair timescales in line with ‘Well Maintained Highway Infrastructure – A New Code of Practice’ and the risk-based approach to maintaining highway assets
      4. Develop a longer-term investment and delivery program for highways works
    3. Safer, more accessible and inclusive streets

      1. Strengthen our approach to removing cars and other obstacles from pavements
      2. Install more dropped kerbs to improve pedestrian accessibility
      3. Target the introduction of up to 50 new school streets in the next four years
    4. Connectivity is improved across the city – making places cleaner and better to live in

      1. Develop and consult on a city-wide transport plan and a mobility strategy for the city centre
      2. Improve bus connectivity, reduce delays to key bus routes - working with CA and key partners
      3. Facilitate the installation of 2,000 electric vehicle charging points over the next four years
      4. Ensure new developments support connectivity between places
      5. Implement physical measures to reduce emissions and further education towards modal shift to active and sustainable travel
    5. Significant progress is made on climate action and environmental sustainability – both within the council’s own activity and across the city

      1. Develop and deliver a plan to decarbonise all the council’s emissions by 2030, including emissions from our buildings, service delivery and schools, and ensure clear leadership and oversight of progress
      2. Develop and deliver a plan to decarbonise all the city’s emissions across relevant sectors (commercial, industrial, public sector, domestic, transport and waste), through partnering, engagement, sharing, leading and demonstrating
      3. Take a leadership role in delivery of domestic decarbonisation through production of strategic plans and modelling associated with domestic retrofitting and deployment of city scale heat networks
      4. Embed whole life costing principles within the council and secure external funding to enable ambitious net zero and sustainability programmes
      5. Ensure all council strategies and activities embed net zero ambitions, including through implementation of a new internal environmental impact assessment process
      6. Strengthen how we work with suppliers to monitor and reduce our outsourced emissions
      7. Use circularity principals (waste avoidance by planning, reusing and recycling) to reduce the council’s waste impact on landfill, climate change and resources, and work towards Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority’s Zero Waste 2040 targets to reduce the impacts of street and household wastes
      8. Promote and enhance our natural capital through improved parks maintenance, use of sustainable urban drainage systems and adaptation methods, and support biodiversity through planning processes and controls